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Artist Statement
I investigate adult interpretations of reality influenced by childhood experiences. More specifically, my interests lie in the anxiety and fear hidden in the comfort and safety of relationships in the home. The materials I use are appropriated from the language of the domestic and the decorative. I find decorative details necessary because they articulate the feminine touch domesticity often conveys.
Objects and materials such as upholstery, plush fabrics, dollhouses, even home videos on VHS carry past emotions we have invested in them. The imagery of the animal connected to the domestic environment evokes a sense of uncanniness in childhood and culture’s reflections. I Contort familiar, soft materials into a visceral, unsettling experience.
The imagery aims to illustrate how memory is constantly changing, thus falsities are formed in the mind and reality hides beneath.
Growing into being requires breaking past rules in oneself, and then rebuilding, beginning again, into something new.
Photo by Lizzie Lombardo, 2024